It is the most comfortable place, where we also get the feeling of utmost security. But if you maintain a minimal level of security, your home will also be exposed to intruders and eventually, it will affect the security of the most secure place for you even if there is a ring light on the camera.
We take several measures in order to fulfill the security requirements. But at the same time, we also make some mistakes. These mistakes lead to security hazards. Burglars and intruders always look for these small yet really bad security mistakes.
Common Home Security Mistakes You Need To Avoid Making In 2022
Here, in this article, we will talk about the most common mistakes we all might make, but have to stop making any more. Reducing the number of mistakes will automatically improve the overall security of your home in 2022.
Neglecting Home Security System
The very first thing most of us do not pay attention to is getting a home security system. It is not always about the valuables you have at your home, but also the most precious family members you have.
When you are at your workplace, or on an office tour, a security system will keep you updated about the atmosphere of the house. In case of any danger, a smart security system is also capable of sending alerts to you and the nearest police station. If you want to get one, visit, and select from a wide range of options.
Hiding Keys Outside
We all have a tendency to forget or lose our keys. Thus most of us hide a spare key. In most cases, the hiding place is under the doormat, on the bushes, above the door, or at a corner of the home. But mostly, these places are outside of the house.
We choose these places just because we do not want to get locked out of the house. But just think, if you can access these places from the outside, that means the burglars also can find the keys and can enter your house at any time. A smart security system can handle this issue quite perfectly.
Bushes Near The Home
You might have a beautiful garden, where you like to spend some leisure time. You have designed the entire garden the way you like it. That’s great. We understand when it comes to some resting places, we always want to make them more lively and creative.
But never end up planting bushes near the home. It is considered one of the best hiding places for intruders and burglars. You might not be able to notice any movement on the bushes, but from behind the bushes, the person will be able to check on your movements.
Lack Of Enough Outdoor Lights
Lighting up only your indoors always makes you exposed to the outer dangers. During the dark hours, anyone from the outside of your house can clearly see you. But when the outside is dark, you won’t be able to see anything from within.
So, when you are lighting up indoors, also consider adding the necessary lights outdoors as well. Most of the criminal activities take place in the dark. So, light up your outdoors, and reduce the risk of security hazards.
Leaving The Security To Your Pets
You might have a dog who is really protective of your family. But that does not mean you will hand over the entire security of your house to it. After all, it is an innocent animal. He might be able to keep the intruders away upto a certain level.
But it will not be able to secure your home the way a smart home security system will be. So, it will be better if you treat it like your child and get a security system.
Leaving Windows And Door Unlocked
Even the safest place also has a bridge to break down the security system. Thieves and burglars always look for an easy entrance and a quick escape. What can be better than doors and windows?
So, whenever you are going outside of the house or going to sleep, you have to ensure that all the indoor doors and windows are locked properly. Whether it is the small kitchen window or the lawn door, you have to lock everything properly. Here, smart home lock systems can help you to maintain security a lot.
Forgetting About Garage Doors
The garage is another place, which can be the perfect hideout for burglars. In most houses, the garage has a door, which leads directly to the house. Whether you are working in the garage or taking a quick washroom break while working in the garage, the garage door has to be properly locked.
When we are saying garage doors, we mean both the garage entrance and the home entrance through the garage. Forgetting this one can lead to severe security hazards.
Travel Posts On Social Media
We all have become social butterflies. From waking up in the morning till we close our eyes and sleep, we continue scrolling down the social media feed at regular intervals. We also love to post stories about our life.
But when you are posting your vacation photos or travel plans on social media, you are actually inviting burglars. You never know who is keeping track of your activities on social media. You might end up being robbed when you are coming back from vacation.
Leaving Valuables In Plain Sight
Do not leave your valuables, like that diamond ring, that expensive watch, or any other precious things, in plain sight. When thieves get to see where the pricey things already are, they do not have to work hard to get them.
Showcasing those things also increases the danger of getting robbed. As burglars always target those homes, which will be the most beneficial for them in terms of money and valuables.
Self-monitoring Your Security System
You have a security system! Wow, that’s great! But do you monitor it from time to time? Do you check its functionality in regular intervals? No! Then we think you are not that serious about the security and safety of your home.
After all, security systems also need maintenance and regular monitories. With regular monitoring, you will be able to identify any suspicious activities. But at the same time, you have to make sure that only experts are doing that. Don’t rely only on yourself unless you are a skilled and experienced expert.