With winter fast approaching, now might be the best time to consider scheduling maintenance of your HVAC system. Extreme temperatures always put a lot of strain on a heating and cooling system, so you need to prepare your HVAC and get it ready for winter.
However, not many people know how to check an air conditioning unit. As such, many essential components, such as the heating unit or air vents, are often neglected. The following article will give you the knowledge you need to prepare your HVAC system for winter.
This process is a lot easier than you think, so without further delay, here are 10 essential HVAC maintenance tips you need to know:
1. Change Your Air Filter
The filter is responsible for maintaining your indoor air quality, so it is no surprise that this is one of the first things you need to look at. Each air conditioner has its own particular set of air filters and may work differently from other HVAC systems you may be used to.
However, most manufacturers recommend replacing your air filter every three months. To make it easier to remember, schedule an air supply maintenance every time the season changes so that you know your air filters are always working perfectly.
2. Reprogram Your Thermostat
Even though the thermostat does not directly affect air quality, it does have a huge impact on your electricity bill. As such, if you have a programmable thermostat, you need to look at it regularly.
An HVAC technician would probably recommend a temperature of around 68 degrees during the winter months if you want to save energy. Switching to a smart thermostat would probably be an even better idea because it also helps to increase the lifespan of your HVAC unit.
3. Clean Your Vents and Air Ducts
When your HVAC circulates air throughout the day, a lot of dirt and dust will accumulate inside the vents and air duct systems. As such, you need to take time to check whether these airways are clear because they can also cause serious problems throughout the winter.
If you are not sure how to do it yourself, schedule a professional duct cleaning service so that a technician can check your air circulation. The longer you put off air duct cleaning, the higher the chance that your air conditioning unit will start producing a foul smell.
4. Examine the Belt
Whenever you notice strange noises coming from your HVAC unit, you should take a look at the belt that powers the blower to move air through the outdoor compressor. While this does not require regular checks every few months, you need to take a look at it when you do your annual HVAC maintenance.
5. Get HVAC Maintenance Services
Some problems may be too complicated for you to solve alone, which is why you will need to consider hiring a professional. This is especially true if there is something wrong with the installation of the HVAC system.
While you may want to save money on regular AC repair, it is also necessary to prevent seriously damaging your HVAC beyond repair, which would force you to replace it before the winter season kicks in and temperatures drop.
6. Check the Blower Doors
You need to make sure that the blower doors of your HVAC system are sealed. This is because you do not want the heating system to leak dangerous gases into your home. If this happens during winter, when your doors and windows are shut as you try to heat your home, it can be a disastrous situation for your family.
7. Conduct a Visual Inspection
Regular furnace maintenance is also very important because you will need the HVAC to work very hard during winter to warm up your home throughout the cold winter months. You can do a visual inspection of the heat pumps and other components before winter and once in a while during the cold season.
8. Start Warming up Your Unit
If you live in places where the temperature gets very cold, it is important to prepare your furnace for winter use. To get the system ready, turn your furnace on a few weeks before winter is scheduled to start.
Doing this will give it time to warm up and get ready for heavy usage. If you do not prep your furnace and heat pump by turning them on in this way, you risk causing serious damage to the heating system that has been lying idle for so long.
9. Check the Exhaust
To prevent the buildup of dust and dangerous gases in your home, your HVAC needs to have an exhaust flue that opens outside your house. While cleaning your system, make sure there is no blockage there. Also, the roof cap on the exhaust should be securely fastened at all times.
10. Purchase an Upgrade
When your HVAC system is no longer running at its best, no matter how many times you schedule maintenance, it might be time to buy a new one. While every homeowner would rather put off spending so much money on a new unit, you need to consider the energy savings you will enjoy.
Getting a new air conditioning unit is also a great opportunity for you to upgrade to the latest filters and heating and cooling systems. You will be able to enjoy much cleaner air and cut back on the cost of heat pump repair and other maintenance activities.
Choose the Right Los Angeles Heating Repair Technicians
If you want to ensure that your HVAC system works perfectly throughout winter, now is the time to schedule its maintenance from a Los Angeles heating repair contractor. Simply cleaning dust from the ducts, replacing filters, reprograming the thermostat, and inspecting the furnace can make a huge difference in your air conditioner’s performance.
However, for complicated repairs, you will need to call in a professional technician. In Los Angeles, Pure Eco Inc. contractor is one of the many repair specialists that can service your HVAC and ensure that it will keep on working throughout winter.
David Harrison
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