Over the past few centuries, science and technology has moved ahead by leaps and bounds. We, as a species, have always worked towards making life more comfortable and towards getting more tasks done with minimum possible effort. From the invention of the wheel to the cars we drive in today, we have come a long way only because of our collective mission to make our lives comfortable.

This mindset of humans as a species has led to some rapid improvements in science and technology over the last few centuries. It has been well documented that the advancements in technology over the last five or six decades has been much faster than what we achieved before that time.

The invention of transistors accelerated this advancement of technology in 1947 and then the invention of microprocessors using the transistors. As a rule of thumb, it has been established that the number of transistors is a microprocessor is doubled every 18 months, also known as Moore’s law what this law implies that our computing power using the same sized processor double every 18 months.

This advancement in computing and processing power is responsible for the massive growth in technology in recent times. What seemed impossible a decade back is now common everywhere. The degree of advancement can be judged from the fact that the computers used in the human-crewed moon missions were less potent than today’s calculators.

One direct benefit of this increased computing power was the fact that it became easier for computers to do robust calculations faster, making it easier for the internet to grow. Internet usage over the past few decades exploded worldwide, and we can rarely find people in the developed as well as some developing countries too, who are not connected to the internet.

The original idea behind the internet was that computers could be connected, making sharing of data more comfortable and more accessible without maintaining multiple copies of the same data on different computers.

Over the years, computers have become smaller and more accessible to the ordinary masses. The smartphones in our hands are more powerful than the fastest computers of the past decades. This popularity of computers in the form of mobile phones has led to an explosion in internet use, especially in developing countries like India and China.

With people living the always-connected lives like never, the next logical step is IoT (Internet of things). Many companies and startups are working towards making our everyday thing more comfortable and more user friendly using the internet and computers.

What Is Ring Doorbell?

With the rapid pace of advancement of technology and the shrinking size of computers, it is possible to fit in a decently powerful computer in almost anything today. With universal access to the internet in almost all the developed world and most of the developing world, it has become easy to connect computers.

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These two factors combined have been responsible for the exponential rise in the number of IoT devices in the world. Most of these devices are related to home security and control services. One brand which has made their mark in the field of home security IoT devices in a short period is Ring security. Their products are easy to use and provide a lot of features and are cheaper to buy.

The security-related IoT devices company has been working on internet-connected personal and home security products for some years now. Their products are popular and are being already used by thousands of customers daily. The most popular products produced by Ring are Ring Alarm and Ring Video Doorbell.

Both have been the best sellers for the company for a few years now, and the number of people using these products has been increasing daily. All the products are easy to use, but still, some not so tech-savvy customers find some things a little difficult to understand in the beginning. In this article, we will be discussing one such common problem faced by customers related to connecting their ring doorbell to multiple devices.

Can We Connect Ring Doorbells to Multiple Devices?

Ring Doorbell
Image Source – https://newswire.net/newsroom/blog-post/00120705-what-is-the-best-ring-doorbell.html

Ring, as a company, has become popular in the new world of IoT devices in a short period. This is because of the features and ease of installing and using its products. Its devices are designed to keep the everyday requirements of users in mind, and the designers have tried to make the features as intuitive as possible. Customers also do not need to spend a fortune on installing these high-tech products as most of these installations can be done quickly at home.

The Ring Video Doorbell is one such device, designed for home security, keeping in mind the daily needs of the users. It is also effortless to install and provides features like remote control using internet-connected smartphones, high-resolution camera, ability to see who is entering the house, opening the door without even moving from the couch and many more.

But as the feature list grows, it becomes more and more difficult to keep is easy to use, and many people do not even notice some of the features available. One such feature of Ring Doorbell, which not many people know about, is that it can be controlled by more than one device. In this article, we will be discussing the steps to connect ring doorbells to multiple mobile phones.

Follow the steps below to connect the ring doorbell to different devices.

  • Once the Ring doorbell has been installed and connected to the app on the primary device, the account on the device will become the Owner Account. The account owner has the control of all the settings of the Ring Doorbell.
  • To use the Doorbell using multiple devices with the same privileges and access as that of the owner, download the Ring Doorbell app on other devices and log in using the Owner account credentials.

Alternatively, there is one more feature available, known as Shared Users. A shared user cannot access the settings, but the access to the Ring Doorbell can be given to a shared user using the Owner Account.

The access of Shared User can be granted or revoked anytime by the Owner Account. To get added to as a Shared User, one needs to have the Ring app and their Ring account logged into their devices. The abilities that can be granted to the shared user include:

  • Answering and receiving alerts when a doorbell is pressed, or the motion sensors and camera on the Ring doorbell is triggered.
  • View stored videos from the Doorbell.
  • Turn on and OFF alerts for their ring account on their laptops or other devices.
  • Download and save videos directly on their own devices.
  • Use the smart locks to arm or disarm the Ring alarm system.

The procedure to add someone as a Shared User is easy. Follow the steps given below to add someone on Ring Shared User:

  • Open the ring app on the owner’s device.
  • Click/ Tap on the menu button on the top left corner on the dashboard screen.
  • Click/ Tap on the Settings option in the menu.
  • Select the Add User option and enter the email ID of the person whose account you want to add to the shared user’s list.
  • Now form the list of devices available to be shared, select the option of Ring Video Doorbell.
  • Click on the send invite button to send the invitation link.
  • Once the invitation link has been received on the shared user’s email address, click on the link to activate the device. About after 60 seconds, the Ring doorbell will show up on the shared user’s ring app, and the Doorbell can be controlled using the shared user’s device with limited controls.

Once the user has been added as a Shared User, he can use the basic functionality mentioned above. Still, he cannot do some operations like deleting the stored videos, deleting devices from the owner’s account, changing the device settings, etc.

They also cannot add more shared users who can compromise the security of the house. Availability of such features designed keeping in mind the needs of an average consumer is what has made Ring Security System one of the most popular IoT security companies around the world in a short period.


Devices like Ring doorbells can be installed easily at home without any help from professionals. This, along with the massive number of security features available with the devices, has made these systems popular.

But because of having such well-designed functions and features, customers usually miss out on some small but useful features of the product. One such feature is the ability to give control and operate the Ring doorbell from more than one phone at a time.

Different levels of controls can be given to the different users and their phones, and their abilities to interact with the device can be limited or enhanced according to the owner’s wish. This makes the device intuitive and easy to use and control.

The different levels of controls also add another layer of security to the Doorbell. In this article, we have explained how different devices can be set up to control a Ring Doorbell.

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